It is truly frightening to know that there are people out there who think like this and that they have access to computers. Green Footballs, which is the only of the five most trafficked right-wing blogs that allows comments (Instapundit, Powerline, Michelle Malkin and Hugh Hewitt do not allow comments) showed why yesterday. Via Tbogg and lowkell, here are just a smattering of what has been written at Little Green Footballs since yesterday:
"IMHO, they should go house to house interrogating every Muslim about what they know and when they knew it. And then kick every last one of them who is there illegally out of the country. And then decide if any of the rest of them deserve to stay. Now, if only Israel would do the same thing after its terror attacks.... "
"Can we eradicate Islam now, please?"
"If there are no Arabs there are no attacks. How many more need be sacrificed?"
"It is now time to force muslims to make a choice: Live peacefully or die. I prefer the latter."
"We need to stop fucking with these people and kill every one involved. I mean anyone with prior knowledge, anyone who payed for it, and anyone who supported it. Regardless of nationality."
"If its Islamic it will probably blow up. All Islamic get full body searches with VERY high intensity X-rays ."