My boyfriend and I visited his folks there last week. The population is around 1,000 and a very conservative rural farming area. There's a sign that says "Cherish Life" when you drive in and the "Fargo" generalization of notorious politeness isn't too far off the mark. But these really are good salt-of-the-earth folks...
Anyway, we were sitting at the local bar and I said something bitchy about Bush (under my breath) and my boyfriend said he didn't think anyone in the bar would disagree with me - he said someone in there earlier had really gone off about how much he couldn't stand Bush.
Also, the big talk was about a local kid stationed in Iraq who had been in a humvee explosion that killed everyone but him and he was likely to lose part of his foot.
I think the carnage and mutilation is starting to hit these small towns and people are starting to see just what the damage is really going to be to their children. People are starting to wake up and they're PISSED.
How soon will the tide turn to cause critical mass, who knows? But it is turning and for that I'm grateful especially after seeing the occassional larger-than-necessary signs stating support for Bush. On that I have the theory and that is that the larger the sign, the bigger the desparation to hide the fact that most folks think Bush is piece of shit.