rich people's condo complex. The place was inhabited by Republican types--retired military, doctors, etc. She spoke to many of them before the invasion of Iraq, and reported to me that everyone she spoke to said something like this: "Bush is nuts."
I think a lot of Republican votes for Kerry were stolen in 2004--a lot more than we realize.
The answer to the stink in Washington DC is state/local election reform. We must restore our right to vote, by throwing Diebold, ES&S and brethren out of the election business NOW--or at the least achieve some measure of election transparency with paper ballot backups, no secret programming code and strict auditing. The only place where we can get that done is in state/local jurisdictions, where the authority over election systems still resides, and where ordinary people still have some say. Don't let the powers-that-be silence our voices on election reform! See the DU Forum "2004 Election Results and Discussion" for information and action ideas.