About as soon as someone comes forward to bring to light Dick Cheney's involvement in deliberately outing a 20+ year CIA eyes and ears network around the world which was seeking accurate information on WMDs, in order to cover up something else he was trying to do (plant WMDs in Iraq?) or is doing (planting them in Iran? or profiting in WMDs?
Plame...the tip of the iceberg... (Plame maybe investigating Cheney arms deals when they busted her CIA weapons op)
Or, about as soon as that guy (or woman) comes forward, who is currently buried somewhere in the military, who knows why there was no air cover for, or any defense of, our nation's capitol, or even of the Pentagon, on 9/11, when they had nearly an hour's notice?
Or...you name it. Your favorite Bush Cartel cover up. About as soon as...
--the Democrats stop saying that there were insufficient election "irregularities" to change the result?
--or, as soon as Democratic election officials stop going on lavish, weeklong, "fun and sun" junkets put on by Diebold and ES&S at the Beverly Hilton?
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x380340 (Note: Mine is a bipartisan anger about coverups and corruption.)
--or, as soon as Bush's FBI explains what they did with the evidence they took from Paul Wellstone's plane crash, and why there was no public inquiry for a U.S. Senator's death?
--or, as soon as British intel explains where their surveillance of David Kelly was, when he was suicided?
--or, as soon as someone comes forward to disclose where the anthrax came from?
--or, as soon as the Diebold hacker in the 2002 Georgia election comes forward with the code that was used?
--or, as soon as the Bush FBI explains what Nicholas Berg's name, email address and account password were REALLY doing in Zacharias Moussaoui's computer?
--or...I could go on and on. And I suppose y'all could, too. But do believe that any human being is capable of seeking truth and light, at any time--and that it WILL happen to some of those currently lost in the darkness of this murderous, lying, thieving, Byzantine junta.
The answer to the stink in Washington DC is restoring our right to vote, by throwing Bushite electronic voting machine companies--Diebold, ES&S and brethren--out of the election business NOW--or at the least achieving some measure of election transparency with paper ballot backups, no secret programming code and strict auditing. The only place where we can get that done is in state/local jurisdictions, where the authority over election systems still resides, and where ordinary people still have some say. See the DU Forum "2004 Election Results and Discussion" for information and action ideas: