Four things matter in the Karl Rove story now:
1. How much will Republicans (on the record or on background) turn on Rove and demand a fuller accounting? (See Dick Stevenson's tour de force New York Times story for some of that. . . LINK
2. The facts.
3. What prosecutor Fitzgerald decides to do.
4. What Chief Justice Rehnquist decides to do (maybe).
Yesterday, familiar Democrat names like "Reid" "Schumer" "Waxman," "Kerry," and "Lautenberg" called for investigations, a resignation, and/or the pulling of a security clearance. The story made network news and leads the Bill Keller Gazette.
Whatever else one thinks, these facts are not in dispute:
A. Rove's attorney has acknowledged that Rove talked about Valerie Plame with Matt Cooper, without mentioning her name, days before the Novak column appeared.
B. Rove (and Rove via McClellan) has repeatedly suggested that he had nothing to do with this story at all.
C. The White House has suggested that any person found to have anything to do with the improper leaking of Wilson's name to the press would be fired. love the smell of fried Karl in the morning.