Clark--Voted Republican (picked some winners, though). Was on the boards of some defense contractors. Praised Bush and Blair on their leadership in the war's aftermath. Is a secret Republican plant pushed on us by Hillary and Bill Clinton in conjunction with the media who are so friendly with the Clintons, and of course the DLC is involved and so is that creepy guy Richard Perle and it IS ALL A MEDIA CONSPIRACY, EVEN THOUGH HE'S GETTING GORED!!! RUN AWAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN. Wore an argyle sweater, which proves he is mad/out of touch (obligatory Maureen Dowd comment).
Dean--Quite potty environmental/corporate record. Private meetings with top contributors. Sealed his records for political reasons. Rolls up his sleeves and is--*gasp*--excited. Has supporters who are--*gasp*--excited by their candidate. Secretly they are cultists who slaughter a calf every night and anoint Dean with the blood while feeding him its still-beating heart. Plus his wife isn't a trophy-esque bimbo--what gives? (obligatory Maureen Dowd comment)
Edwards (haven't fully researched this chap)--Claimed a positive campaign while handing out attack guides in Iowa. Launching to a presidential bid before finishing a single term in the Senate. Mentions his dad was a mill worker about 5,789 times in each state. Is too young and inexperienced at 50 (obligatory Maureen Dowd comment).
Kerry--Likely political motivations for IWR vote. L-O-N-G voting record with some dirt in it for anyone who digs. Every positive thing he's done is *always* turned around on him: Vietnam, medal-throwing; 2000 Gore support, teacups; BCCI/Iran-contra, dude--he didn't get the Bushes; incredibly long liberal voting record (more so than Kennedy), three to five BAD votes; League of Conservation Voters endorsement for best environmental record, dude--he's an INSIDER and therefore corporatist!!! And finally--SKULL AND BONES!!!! HOLY CHRIST! OHMYGOSHLOOKOUT! Is being pushed on us by the media, who declared his candidacy dead just to fool us! Plus his hair is $200 and he looks French and may have had plastic surgery--plus he is carcinogenic! (obligatory Maureen Dowd comment)
Kucinich--Uh, er... the flag amendment? He looks funny (obligatory Maureen Dowd comment).
Lieberman--Can't lift the file to open it. Even the file's binding is balding (obligatory Maureen Dowd comment).
Sharpton--Tawana, anyone? At least his mullet can't be called "rednecky" (obligatory Maureen Dowd comment).
--Feel free to add you own accusations, however baseless and contradictory, here.