Lou's fixation, as usual, is illegal immigration. His Coast Guard piece about not having fast enough boats to catch drug dealers was as long as the one with Dean.
His big comment was why is this investigation taking so long. I guess he feels its taking the country's focus off of illegal Mexicans. Lou's big on ID cards and not giving Mexicans drivers' licenses.
And his "poor Judy Miller" thing is the standard press response that reporters should have an absolute privilege -- even if national security is involved is pretty week. No legal privilege I'm aware of goes that far. He might mention that we are all citizens and we all have to obey the law. Miller's case went all the way to the Supreme Court and every judge that's heard it has said she should talk.
Dean mentioned some of the things he said before, that there are possibly several laws at play here that may have been violated and that perhaps everyone is focusing on the wrong one. He also mentioned that the investigation was delayed because it discovered other matters justifying further inquiry. Lou just sort of harumphed like he usually does and told everyone to vote in his poll. Should the White House come clean on the leak or continue to stonewall. Wonder how that comes out?