1.) British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: "Al Qaeda" was the name of a U.S. intelligence "database":
http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ ... also see "fabricating_the_enemy":
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20030116&articleId=3722.) The phony (Mossad) Al Qaeda Cell in Palestine ... plus more documented examples of intelligence agents impersonating and setting up Al Qaeda cell groups "strategically":
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fakealqaeda.html3.) FSB (ex-KGB) behind 1999 bombings in Russia’
Publica | 05.03.2002 23:14 See "source":
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2002/03/24275.html“FSB (ex-KGB) was behind the apartment bloc bombings that were carried out in Russia in September 1999”, says Boris Berezovsky, a former Kremlin insider who has since fallen out with the Putin government.
Nikita Chegulain, a former undercover agent of the antiterrorist division of the FSB, said he possessed documentary evidence that proved that highly explosive hexogen was withdrawn from military bases and distributed secretely to regional organisations. He incriminates top government officials in the coverup; independent investigations have so far been blocked.
The FSB was forced to admit that it had planted the device. The head of the FSB Patrushev claimed that the explosives were actually sugar and that this was part of a so-called security exercise.
This sharply contradicts the version of the local police force which had determined that the substance was hexogen and that the detonator equipment was real and set for 5.30am © “the clock was ticking”. Four explosives experts from Britain and France recently examined the available evidence from the Ryazan incident and concluded that the bomb was authentic.
4.) In depth article: Originally set up as a network of clandestine cells to be activated behind the lines in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, "Gladio" quickly expanded into a tool for political repression and manipulation, directed by NATO and "Washington":
http://context.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2005/02/18/120.html 5.) “Operation Northwoods” was a US government plan to stage the assassination of civilians and blame it on Communist Cuba. See “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba”, National "Security_Archive":
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/NOR111A.html 6.) American military in Iraq plant car bombs on unwitting Iraqi civilians. See: "Sick Strategies For Senseless Slaughter":
http://rense.com/general65/strat2.htm by John Kaminski
I have come to understand this form of government we endure is a “plutocracy” (government by the wealthy) who lie, cheat, assassinate, instigate acts of terrorism and then blame "scapegoat_nations":
http://www.constitution.org/ocbpt/ocbpt_14.htm and support/fund terrorist regimes and "dictatorships":
http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Dictators/Friendly_Dictators.html as long as their dictators dance to their corporate tune.
It does not take an entire government to be involved in instigating acts of terrorism any more than, say, it does not take all the bank employees to know what the head bank manager is planning in his board meetings. That is why FBI, CIA, and firemen who blow the whistle on head office wrongdoing…are muzzled, threatened, fired, demoted, ignored and harassed purposely. I am saying that when someone sincere and with integrity comes across evidence which shows possible corruption by head office, part of the cover-up is to discredit these whistleblowers.
It is time to seriously share this vital information...in hopes that an informed public might just refrain from rallying to the war cries of the weapons/military/industrial complex. See "source":