Edited on Wed Jul-13-05 09:16 AM by kentuck
Why is it important? One reason is that it gives clarity and definition to the illegal invasion of Iraq. Bush and all his minions have said, "we thought he had WMDs...the whole world thought that he had WMDs..." Well, it turns out the whole world did not think that. In fact, the Administration did not think that either. Why is that important?
The American people have been willing to support Bush and his "war" in Iraq because they thought it was an honest mistake. Everybody thought Saddam had all these dangerous weapons -even nuclear weapons. This leak by Rove goes further than any evidence thus far in showing that the Adminsitration knew there was no threat by Iraq but that they had to sell it to the American people. In other words, they had to "fix" the intelligence.
So, that is why Joe Wilson went to Africa. His purpose was to help "fix" the intelligence. But he blew their cover and their story. When he editorialized in the NYTimes that there was "no evidence" of yellowcake being shipped from Niger, that punctured the large balloon of lies that the Administration had been blowing up - up to that time. So they decided to get revenge - like they always do.
But, Bush went on from there, ignoring the CIA, and gave his State of the Union message of the famous "16 words", in which he said Iraq was attempting to get yellowcake uranium from Africa. Even though he had been told otherwise, he still decided to give that speech. Did he do it on purpose or was it by accident? Did he insist those words be put into his speech?
So the Rove leak gives understanding to the facade that the Administration invaded Iraq because they thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. They never believed it at all. They were fixing the intelligence all along, just as the DSM documents stated. This was treasonous at the highest levels.