But, the threat to the Constitution is beginning to come from both sides, as each attempts to redefine the definition of "is"...political correctness is the biggest threat of all. Arguments should stand on their own merit, & censorship is the most dangerous game, of all. How can one fight, what one does not see? A fools errand, indeed, as what is "liberalism", & what is "conservatism" is redefined by both sides...under the guise, of what "is, is"...
Who gets to decide what is "crazy"? At one point in history, folks who proposed the earth was round, were alleged to be "crazy", & heretics...sort of like letting Asscough define pornography, & Lady Justice gets her tits censored...let freedom ring, & ring, & ring...freedom to offend, & freedom, to be offended...but a thicker skin is required, by all...the freer I can make you, the freer, I also shall be...
SEE: "To help the admins and mods, list sources that are too crazy or racist" (PURGED & LOCKED)