My hunch is that they wanted to martyr Judith Miller and blame it on the Democrats and "Activist Judges.
I think that BushCo has been surprised that the media is laying the blame precisely where it really belongs-- on the steps of The White House.
While I disagree with with some about whether or not Miller and/or Novak should go to jail for their part in this, I am glad that there is a lack of consensus on this among liberals, progressives and Democrats.
I'm glad that Al Franken seems to be championing Judith Miller even if I think she should be locked away.
And I am glad that many are willing to lock her up and throw away the key, even if I disagree with them.
I think that may be part of the reason why this has backfired for Karl Rove.
If every Democrat had come out in favor of crucifying Judith Miller, it might have played right into his hands.
It also doesn't hurt that Deepthroat "came out" a few weeks ago.
Oh, thank god for that!
GOP: "Deepthroat was a traitor because he leaked!"