I guess the RW'er/PNAC'ers are throwing dirt everywhere hoping something will stick. This one from Podhoretz is another twist in the attempt to discredit Wilson and distract the media and people from the real story. Sorry there's no pemalink...you have to scroll to find the titles of his posts. :-(
THE PASSIVE KARL ROVE AND THE ACTIVE JUDITH MILLER Since Rove-centric psychos can devise any scenario whereby he manipulates people into doing everything he wants, I doubt this detail will change any minds in Daily Kos-ville. But it offers an important and nagging clue to the continuing antics of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. What do I mean?
It means that clearly information was circulating around Washington about the identity of Wilson's CIA operative wife Valerie Plame. The presumption has thus far been in most quarters that the only people who could have known about this were administration officials.
But what if that's not right? What if the original source for the "Wilson got the job from his CIA wife" was, in fact, a reporter? After all, we know that the vice president's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, has testified he learned of Plame's identity from a journalist.
Wilson had gotten very cozy with a couple of them -- Walter Pincus of the Washington Post and Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times among them. What if he spilled the beans to enhance his own standing in the story somehow, to bolster his supposed findings?http://corner.nationalreview.com/05_07_10_corner-archive.asp#069334---------------------------------------------------------------------
ON EDIT: IT GET'S WORSE.....PODHORETZ FOLLOWS UP WITH MORE ACCUSATIONS ON THE SAME "NATIONAL REVIEW SITE" WITH THIS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sorry. Another long post follows. Forgive the prolixity.Wilson was retailing this story to various reporters, and Miller might have been one of them. A logical question to ask would be: "How do you know Cheney read it?" And the logical answer would be: "I know because my wife told me. She works for the CIA on WMD questions. But this is super top secret."
So the scenario continues: Alas for everybody in Washington, loose-lipped Judy Miller, who couldn't help telling the Holy Land Foundation back in the fall of 2001 that the feds were about to raid its offices, somehow let the cat out of the bag when trying to follow up on the story. In calling various people in the administration to check on Wilson's story, she let slip that Wilson's wife was CIA.
Perhaps, therefore, the whole effort behind Fitzgerald's remorseless pursuit of Miller (besides his anger, which I wrote about yesterday, on her unconscionable Holy Land Foundation behavior), is to close the circle here. Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative came not from White House sources eager to out her, but from those eager to bolster Wilson's case against the White House (like, say, Wilson himself).
Since Wilson could hardly have wished to place his own wife in danger in this way, there could have been no crime at the outset and therefore no crime at any point along the way.