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"Slime and Defend">>>>>>Billmon is on a roll:

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Jacobin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-05 04:06 PM
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"Slime and Defend">>>>>>Billmon is on a roll:
Slime and Defend
It took a few days, but the GOP panzers have finally clanked into action, and they're zeroing in on a familar target: former ambassador Joe Wilson. This appears to be prong one of a two-prong offensive designed to paint Wilson and his wife as the real traitors, and Karl Rove as the patriotic whistleblower who fingered them to the press.

Today's lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal basically hits all the lowlights. And since the bean counters at Dow Jones have wisely concluded that nobody in their right mind would actually pay for Paul Gigot's electronic bird droppings, (snarf) you can go inspect them here. Don't forget your rubber gloves.

The ferocity of the GOP attack is probably in part a function of the delay in mounting it. It appears Gen. Rove badly miscalculated when he decided to give Newsweek's big scoop the silent treatment, in hopes the story would quickly die if the White House refused to talk about it. He's given away two full days, which violates the cardinal rule: any allegation not loudly rebutted in the first news cycle is presumed to be true. In terms of how the story is framed, Rove is now guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around. Thus the media blitzkrieg.

But, as usual, Turdblossom is going for broke. Instead of trying to manage reality, he wants to totally invert it — substituting a complete mirror image of the truth and making it stick. That's a pretty ambitious objective, even for Rove.

For much more, the link for delightful reading is here:


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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 10:29 AM
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1. It's an excellent read....Espionage!
Sure looks like Miller could be involved in this in a big way, too. A nice angle. Thanks!
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