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Planet Bush: Where reality is irrelevant

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quaoar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 06:30 AM
Original message
Planet Bush: Where reality is irrelevant

The GOP's propaganda technicians are filling in some of the details of the mirror universe they're trying to create -- the one in which Turdblossom is the noble whistleblower and Joe Wilson and his wife are the sleazy insiders spreading lies and disinformation. And since everything has to be ass backwards in the Republican reality, we're now being told that Wilson, not Rove, is the "leaker" and Dick Cheney, not Valerie Plame, the dedicated public servant damaged by the leak.

< snip >

This is starting to resemble that famous Star Trek episode in which Captain Kirk winds up in a parallel universe where the Federation, not the Klingons, are the evil barbarians and Spock has a nasty beard:

< snip >

(Shudders.) I don't know how far the Rovians plan to take this mirror image building campaign. But I won't be too surprised if we wake up tomorrow to find Bill O'Reilly claiming that Karl Rove used to be an undercover CIA operative (a kind of fat, ugly version of Keifer Sutherland) until he was outed by Valerie Plame -- all as part of a left-wing dirty tricks operation masterminded by Jim Carville.

What Rove is doing here is an example, albeit an extremely weird one, of his standard tactic of attacking his enemy's strength with his most outrageous lies -- the kind that are simply too big and too brazen for most media chicken shits to call him on.

Painting "straight talk" John McCain as a wacked out ex-POW with a druggie wife and a black love child was one example. Turning John Kerry into a cowardly weasel who lied about his war record was another. And now we have Joe Wilson, the reckless, partisan attack dog who leaks classified information.

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seaj11 Donating Member (506 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 08:12 AM
Response to Original message
1. Rovian assholes!
Still, and you can call me an optimist, but I don't see Rove succeeding in serving as Supreme Creator of Wacky-World. I think the GOP, the right-wing ideology, and the moral values gang are all falling apart at the seams, and people are getting sick of it. Unfortunately, it's possible that if they do the right thing (for once) and come clean, their lies will be forgotten, and Bush will have his legacy. This is a sticky situation for everyone.
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Gyre Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 08:55 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. American dumbshits
Have made "Rovian assholes" all possible. Pretty sad that this ugly clown and his pet chimp haven't been tarred, feathered and rode out on a rail already.

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