Republican gasbag David Keene. .Podesta was good last night about Rove vs. Republican gasbag Ed Rogers,a White House lawyer for Bush's daddy, :
...Summer storm?
GWEN IFILL: Ed Rogers, based on what we know, what does this communication that has been confirmed between Karl Rove and this reporter tell you about Karl Rove and about this White House?
ED ROGERS: Well, there is much about that question, much about the introduction of the story that I would take issue with. I don't think this is a gathering storm. I think this is a dissipating storm.
I don't think Karl Rove is at the center of this investigation so much as he is at the center of a Washington political frenzy that tends to happen in the summer. This is a summer storm that I think will dissipate over a number of days, not weeks.
And also what we know is that Karl Rove took a call from a reporter about welfare reform. In an oh, by the way, moment at the end of that conversation, Karl gave guidance, appropriate and accurate guidance to that reporter from Time Magazine, Mr. Cooper, that said stay away about the disinformation you are being fed about the vice president or the director of Central Intelligence Agency having some role in this. Mr. Wilson, Ambassador Wilson, was sent there by his wife who works over at the agency..( July 14, 2005
The Diane Rehm Show
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10:00 Karl Rove Controversy
Diane and her guests describe the events that have led up to the current controversy over Karl Rove, political aide to President Bush. They'll talk about his role in the disclosure of a covert CIA agent's identity and the resulting legal and political fallout.
David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union
John Podesta, president and CEO of the Center for American Progress and former chief of staff to President Clinton