Every American toting around an extra 2oz yellow ribbon magnet and W sticker needs to be drilled this linkage.
Rove has oil and blood on his hands.
Attended 6 colleges without ever getting a degree, He later went on to teach graduate students.
Mr Rove was one of the biggest holders of Enron stock among White House staffers, with between $100,000 and $250,000 worth of shares when he was appointed. The White House has acknowledged that Mr Rove took part in the secret meetings that helped shape the Bush government’s energy policy, while he still held Enron shares and stock in other energy companies.
After trashing the personal character of former Texas Democratic Governors Mark White and Ann Richards, Texas Democratic Representative Lloyd Doggett, and Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, Rove now uses his tricks to assassinate the characters of noble and non-political men and women. Recent victims have been PFC Jessica Lynch, CIA agent Valerie Plame, former Marine Corps officer Scott Ritter, retired Marine Corps General Anthony Zinni, and Iraqi War commander General Tommy Franks. Over the years, Rove has relied on the planting of bogus stories in the media, production of counterfeit documents, the theft of campaign materials and internal documents, production of false witnesses, electronic eavesdropping, misuse of government resources, unethical political polling techniques, intimidation of minority voters, and "whispering campaigns" to advance the sordid agenda of the neo-conservative, extreme right wing of the Republican Party.
Fellow PNAC member, Wialliam Kristol has said of Rove: "I believe Karl is Bush. They’re not separate, each of them freestanding, with distinct agendas, as some people say. Karl thinks X. Bush thinks X. Clearly, it’s a very complicated relationship."