this is what a republican wrote in regards to Rove\thing..
"I'll step up to the plate...not to necessarily support Rove, but to say...can we let an independent investigation complete before we convict him? Is that at least possible? We're so much more willing to give the terrorists the benefit of the doubt.
But...let me just see if I have facts straight.
Britian reported that Iraq SOUGHTto buy uranium from Africa (NOT bought...but was looking at buying) Plame Wilson, a CIA employee, recommended her husband Joseph Wilson to investigate if Iraq had bought "yellow cake" uranium from Niger due to both of their contacts within Niger and their French connections. Wilson made the trip and returned to the US with a report that the US "LIED" about Iraq SEEKING to buy uranium and posted a NYT op-ed piece about his mission and findings. the piece he states that Dick Cheney's office sent him to Niger, which is inaccurate. When Rove spoke to reporters, he did nothing more than offer up that the data on Cheney's involvement was incorrect and that he believed "Wilson's wife" had recommended him for the position due to his connections. There was no mention that she was an CIA operative, covert or no.
So it boils down to this (from the luskin report archive):
Here's a novel concept for the Valerie Plame blame game -- knowing what the hell you're talking about. So Dave Nadig actually researched the law that the B*ush administration supposedly broke in "outing" Plame. Here's Nadig:
"Yes, it?s all a key issue whether she was overt/covert. Yes, the media seems to be screwing it up in both directions on almost an hourly basis. It might be worth actually quoting the definition in the statute everyone?s all worked up about:
"'The term ?covert agent? means ?
(A) a present or retired officer or employee of an intelligence agency or a present or retired member of the Armed Forces assigned to duty with an intelligence agency -
(i) whose identity as such an officer, employee, or member is classified information, and
(ii) who is serving outside the United States or has within the last five years served outside the United States;'
"So it seems to me there are really only three questions that are even relevant:
'1: Did she serve outside the US in the last 5 years? Note there is another reference about what 'serve' means, and simply traveling to a foreign country to gather intelligence seems to qualify.
"2: Was her identity as an employee of the CIA in any way officially 'classified' -- regardless of what kind of a job she actually did.
"3: Was the source of disclosure a Federal employee (those to whom the statute applies).
"That?s really the only issue. The whole discussion about 'did people in DC already know' or 'was she actually put at risk' is completely irrelevant to the legal issues. I would add one other comment -- since the above definition is a simple matter of fact which her employer definitively knows the answer to, why would the Justice department be interviewing people to determine #3 on my list, without knowing the answers to #1 and #2 -- since presumably they could get that with a phone call (while we can't), and without an affirmative, there is no crime to be investigated?
"As usual, the media on both sides of this issue is spinning a lot of analysis and confusion around what is actually an extremely simple matter of legal fact checking. Whether we think it's legal or illegal is completely beside the point. The above 3 questions are all that really matter.
"A link to the actual law:"
So, I about if we let Patrick Fitzgerald do his job as the independent investigator. Given his bio, I trust he'll do his job. if he comes up with nothing...then what? I'm betting that those who believe Karl Rove guilty (ironically...Republicans are NEVER innocent til proven guilty but the other way around) will still believe he is guilty.
This is a good link to some interesting information about how this whole situation has been reported and distorted. is the link to the senate report which refutes a great deal of Joe Wilson's shows alot of information, esp given him saying that he had access to reports that hadn't been released yet. up your own mind, but at least look at both sides of the story. Yes, this does have the look of payback. But in the grand scheme of things, this has NOTHING on Sandy Berger walking out of Security headquarters with classified documents stored in his pants and socks.
I don't like some of the things I've seen B*ush do. But I given my choices, I'd pick him over Dean or Kerry ANY day of the week."
So what do you think? Also another thing... Has anyone really tried to work the angle that maybe Rove wasn't working alone.. that people in the administration knew about his leak and was part of the plan? Try to bring down more officials?