1 - Posted by: jar, 7/14/2005 3:42:15 PM
This is really getting tiresome; the string of false premises in these anti-Rove, pro-Wilson articles boggles the mind.
Reply 2 - Posted by: PilarOSalt, 7/14/2005 4:05:58 PM
I just saw the sissified Mr. Wilson, fresh from a session with Graydon Carter's & Annette Funicello's coiffieur, demanding that Rove's security clearance be revoked. Some pretty boys have no shame. Wilson really should avoid any & all public appearances after having been caught lying about how he cam to be sent on 'his' 'nonpartisan' 'fact finding' 'mission'.........Pilar
Reply 3 - Posted by: go! gw!, 7/14/2005 4:22:54 PM
Oh Pilar, I love your characterization of
valerie's metrosexually correct hubby.
Reply 4 - Posted by: cactusmike, 7/14/2005 4:29:59 PM
Now that you mention it he does like like he might be part poof.
Reply 5 - Posted by: ArthurDent, 7/14/2005 4:36:05 PM
I have to agree with #4, if he doesn't have a little poof in him, he probably has in the past!
Reply 6 - Posted by: amereagle, 7/14/2005 4:37:58 PM
Rove is a national hero and whistleblower (hey, I thought the lamestream liberal media loved whistleblowers!!, what about Deep Throat, what about Erin Brockovich, what about The Insider, what about Leaky Leahy who got an actual CIA agent killed???).
Rove did nothing illegal, and was correct to indicate, without naming names, that leftwing Kerry supporter and political hack Wilson was sent by his political operative agency do-nothing not-undercover wife to Africa in order to lie about the President and help defeat him.
Letting Democrats try to protect our sovereignty and interests via the CIA or anywhere else is national suicide.
Carl Rove is an American hero.
Reply 7 - Posted by: grandforker, 7/14/2005 4:39:27 PM
Same old media. Even though Wilson has been thoroughly discredited by his own statements and by others, the media continues to act as if he's relevant. He's not.
Reply 8 - Posted by: dblenicklebob, 7/14/2005 4:40:00 PM
I always thought Rove did it because he took so much heat from the right for Wilson having gone there in the first place
Reply 9 - Posted by: Wendybird, 7/14/2005 4:40:07 PM
Don't be talking bad about Mr. Wilson. I'll bet that if we check back we'll find that he is a war hero, just like J. Francois Kerry.
Reply 16 - Posted by: afreeman, 7/14/2005 5:15:36 PM
Death, taxes, and the liberal media never letting the facts get in the way of their agenda.
Reply 18 - Posted by: Lucky, 7/14/2005 5:22:35 PM
If Rove is indited I hope he doesn't listen to L.dotters and go for the old "the other guy is a sissy" defense.
The way I see it the bottom line is that Karl Rove identified a CIA agent working to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. He did it as an act of personal political revenge. He did it while we're at war. He's lucky he's not being charged with treason.
Reply 20 - Posted by: amereagle, 7/14/2005 5:30:58 PM
"...CIA agent working to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction..."
You have GOT to be kidding. These Democrat hacks are NOT interested in helping protect America. They are interested in power. Full stop.
Reply 23 - Posted by: BruceG, 7/14/2005 5:46:42 PM
#18 - treason? Is that the latest DNC talking point?
As the article points out, a leaker typically wants a journalist to write a story. Rove was trying to prevent Cooper from writing a story that Rove (and probably Cooper) knew was false.
What are you smoking?
Reply 24 - Posted by: sinic, 7/14/2005 6:05:04 PM
#18 - FYI, Sandy Berger, Harry Reid, and Dick Turban Durbin committed treason. Karl Rove did nothing more than "out" a person who was not a covert CIA agent. Lame Plame was, at the time of the "major felony", nothing more than a desk jockey with an axe to grind - along with her treasonous husband.
Reply 29 - Posted by: starboard, 7/14/2005 6:30:06 PM
Just saw Wilson on Fox sweating off his yellow pancake makeup. I do believe this whole thing is a cover up to divert attention from something else going on underneath. If someone digs into Mr Wilson's bank account or his offshore accounts, who knows what they will discover. This guy is so obviously opportunist. Not a good man.
Reply 30 - Posted by: Dolley Madison, 7/14/2005 6:30:29 PM
It matters not how anyone sees it; it matters whether Old Val fit the definition of an undercover agent. She did not.
AND it seems that Clown Wilson outed her himself, in his book, so whaddya know!
Mr. Rove deserves a medal for warning Matt of the lies from those leftists. He is the ONE person that has done the right thing in this tissue of lies.
I think we should be going after Clowns Wilson and Plame, and throwing them into jail.
Reply 32 - Posted by: Dolley Madison, 7/14/2005 6:37:03 PM
Clowns wilson and plame stink, that rotten-to-the-core stink.
Reply 35 - Posted by: Yorkiemom, 7/14/2005 6:45:17 PM
Brit Hume just had a guy on who fully explained this law or policy about outing agents. In Lying Joe's own book, his wife had not been covert since 1997, so Rove should not be in trouble. Sounds like Wilson is getting desperate, especially appearing with Chuck (I never met a camera I didn't love) Schumer.
I see #18 doesn't let facts get in the way of his talking points.
Reply 38 - Posted by: PilarOSalt, 7/14/2005 7:36:50 PM
Mr. Wilson's sissification is not a defense; it is a fact.....Pilar, who will always choose being smart over being lucky