First, this post is about Bill and Hillary. Second, I realize some of you may not like them or may disagree with what is said. My point isn't to open yet another debate on the Clintons or abortion but to open another one on the rightwing media...
ok, exhibit 1: The LA Times from July 13:
Clinton Defends Wife's Abortion RemarksWASHINGTON -- Former President Clinton, defending his senator-wife's statements on abortion, said Wednesday that Democrats are held to a double standard.
The comment came during remarks to Campus Progress, a left-leaning student group. He said young people in his party should speak directly to conservative voters.
He contended that Republicans have defined the abortion debate in a way that boxes in Democrats.
"So for example, if you're a Democrat and you have sort of normal impulses, you're a sellout, like when Hillary said abortion is a tragedy for virtually everybody who undergoes it, we ought to do all we can to reduce abortion," Clinton said.
"All of a sudden," he continued, the media began asking, "'Is she selling out? Is she abandoning her principles?' But if John McCain, who's pro-life, works with Hillary on global warming, he's a man of principle moving to the middle."
"It's nuts," the former president said.,1,685737.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlinesnow... exhibit B, or, how a rightwing site interpreted this:
Bill Clinton Complains of Media Pro-Abortion BiasWASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 ( - Complaining that the media's pro-abortion bias is "nuts," former US president Bill Clinton compared the abortion issue to global warming.
"If you're a Democrat and you have sort of normal impulses, you're a sell-out, like when Hillary said abortion is a tragedy for virtually everybody who undergoes it, we ought to do all we can to reduce abortion," Clinton claimed, according to an Associated Press report.
"All of a sudden," Clinton continued, the media clamoured, "'Is she selling out? Is she abandoning her principles?' But if John McCain, who's pro-life, works with Hillary on global warming, he's a man of principle moving to the middle."
"It's nuts," he added.
Sen. Clinton,
despite her husband's opposite contention, has consistently supported legalized abortion..., Bill Clinton has
never contended that Hillary doesn't support legalized abortion. Secondly, Clinton wasn't complaining about any media "pro-abortion bias." As the LA Time article says, Clinton suggested (and in my opinion he's accurate) that the media holds Democrats to a double standard.
At least the rightwing site reminded us that Hillary has indeed called for abortion to remain legal, has advocated expanding embryonic stem cell research, and has declared contraception "basic health care for women."
For that, I guess she's going to hell. (sarcasm)