Bush in tricky position over Rove PRINT FRIENDLY EMAIL STORY
PM - Friday, 15 July , 2005 18:40:21
Reporter: Leigh Sales
http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2005/s1415476.htmDAVID GERGEN: The most important mission is on, with the President, is to build a durable, long-lasting Republican majority of rule, the White House, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court for a generation. That's what he's about, and he's been remarkably successful so far. Remember this: with Karl Rove at his side, George W Bush is the first President since Franklin Roosevelt, his party has continued to gain seats since he ran for office. And Karl Rove is the architect, so this is critical.
JOHN KERRY: The White House's credibility is at issue here. And I believe very clearly, Karl Rove out to be fired.
HOWARD DEAN: Who do you value more, Mr President? Do you value intelligence operatives defending the United States of America, or do you value political operatives from Texas? We're going to find out. Who do you value more, Mr President? The security of the American people, or your political crony?
But politically, Republicans are watching the scandal anxiously. The President is in a particularly tricky position, as he tries to protect his adviser and friend of 20 years.