This clown Wiilson is lucky that somebody hasn't knocked his dick loose by now for his phoney scheme to try and bring down the president.
Wilson is a pathological liar. And the New York Times, shrinking before our very eyes, will continue to carry his water, all for the sake of their party.
Is this man genetically challenged? He seems to be allergic to the truth. I think he has caught a fatal case of DemoRat disease. His credibility has been shot full of holes and looks like swiss cheese. I am sure we will hear at least 5 more versions of the truth from him before the grand jury investigation is complete.
Just how dumb is Wilson?
A career State Dept. employee.
Not so diplomatic, is he? He sounds like he learned his trade at Fred's Diplomacy and Bartending School.
Joe Wilson has told so many lies now that when he finally tells the truth he gets confused and has to go back and clarify it into another lie!
Just another part of Wilson's ongoing campaign to be named Secretary of State in the upcoming Biden Administration.
These Dems are so desperate they will fabricate stories still believing that they are running things in DC.
Dems have not caught up with the times...which are a-changing
Wilson's a DUmbass......
And he contoinues to provide eveidence of his stupidity each and every day they try to spin this liberal pond-scum terrorist supporting charade.
Hmmmmmmmm...so she was a COVERT AGENT before she wasn't and she wasn't one because Novak outed her; except that she had been OUTED six or seven years before Novak outed her?
Oh gee...is that Clintonian garbage Ambassador speak, or just Wilsonian hogwash? LOL
Is any Dem capable of speaking clear and cogent English and NOT lying every time he or she opens his or her mouth?
Will somebody pease shut that Wilson guy up? He's trying to get himself back into a soft gubmint job because he can't hack it in the real world. All his life he's been sucking off the public teat. A real Clintonista.
A lot lke Kerry, too. Spoiled rich brat who didn't do a lick of work until he graduated fom U of Santa Barbara, which he got into by pulling strings. His great-great-grandaddy or uncle? was Gov. of Calipornia...someone named Rolph.
He spent his time at SB surfing and doing the hippie thing.
His parents were Commie expatriots who fled to Europe to write nasty books about America.
He brags about Biarritz and the Riviera, etc. James Bond wannabe.
By the time this boring episode is gone and buried, Wilson will be toast; Plame will divorce him; and he will be sitting outside Congress on the steps with his hat in his hand begging for "consultant" jobs.
I still wonder why Wilson never filed a written report on his Niger visit...but nevertheless, it got in the news. Is that how we do business at the CIA?
Wonder if Valerie REALLY did any covert work...or just collect a big paycheck and expenses.
Rush said today that Joe Wilson is actually CALLING people asking to be on their shows!
Oh, he got PLENTY of phone calls, believe me. The whole liberal media network went into meltdown mode yesterday after that interview because they knew Wilson had just blown the whole wad. Chris Lehane probably had a coronary. The NYT had to be especially pissed because he blew their lede in their "big scoop" story today, which calls Plame once again a "covert CIA operative." The conservative talk radio hosts were all over this today and all of them played the clips of the interview. I've heard it four times today just while driving around. And no, I was not confused at all Mr. Wilson! I heard exactly waht you said! She was not covert! Game over! Do not pass GO! Do not collect 200 dolaars!
We should encourage him...especially if Democrats running for office next year are still willing to appear with him (Wilson).
Democrats, especially the hard-core Left, are going to be quite slow in realizing that their story is about to run the other way. At this point in time we can still probably *agree* with most of the leftists who want Wilson to get more airtime.
By all means. Videotape what he says for posterity. The Left won't figure out that he's poison for some time still.
Am I the only one who finds this particular Dem escapade more amusing than anything they've ever done?
I mean, I really hate the lies, and think something serious needs to be done to stop them, but this Wilson fool really makes me laugh for some reason........