Let's not forget the White House coverup of the Plame Leak...
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Fri Jul-15-05 11:00 PM
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Let's not forget the White House coverup of the Plame Leak... |
We know (kinda) what Rove did.
But let's not forget that the White House lied to the American public for TWO YEARS!!
They also lied to Congress, who did inquire regarding the leak.
Lord only knows if they lied to Fitz and the Grand Jury.
I don't think they're nearly as in the clear as they try to make it sound. That is no doubt why the White House refuses to comment on anything. It's a sign of GUILT!
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Fri Jul-15-05 11:02 PM
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1. Mark Shields says the investigation is focused on the cover up |
He talked about this tonight on the PBS NewsHour.
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Fri Jul-15-05 11:04 PM
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2. I trust Fitz, If they're lying, he'll find it, and they'll pay! |
I don't think they're nearly as smart as some people give them credit for being. It's very difficult to testify multiple time and not get tripped up in lie, if that's what you're doing.
You do remember, Rove testified 3 times already, don't you?
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Sat Jul-16-05 01:37 AM
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4. Tee-hee-hee; couldn't agree more |
These aren't wizards, they're merely relentless dicks. They're not that good and it shows. If it weren't for a conservative-dominated media, they'd have been exposed a long time ago.
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Fri Jul-15-05 11:52 PM
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3. Sign of Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice. |
And they now know that they aren't going to get away with it. White House aides are even now scurrying around the halls of the West Wing trying to solve the problem without plunging the country into a constitutional crisis like the Saturday Night Massacre. I presume that they are not being so successful which is why they continue to scurry around the hallways, like restless ghosts in the night.
Phoebe Loosinhouse
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Sat Jul-16-05 06:50 AM
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5. They started covering it up the second it happened |
If Bush had been truly outraged, he would have called for an internal investigation immediately - it would have taken them 2 days to find out who talked to who when and they could have cleaned house immediately. Bush had no outrage to speak of and Pooh-pooed the idea of the leaker being found from the getgo. Gee, I wonder why that is?
The obstruction and outright lying was instantaneous. I really and truly think they thought they would get away with it because they were relying on all the journalists protecting their sources. In the end it looks like most of the journalists did talk because they realized they were like the priest in the confessional who hears the murder plot. Only loyal deckhand Judy Miller has decided to go down with the ship.
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