I'm trying to connect dots for myself today. I think it was Al Franken, yesterday, who said that if he were in the White House press corp, he'd ask if Bolton was connected to the Plame outing. While researching Ledeen, I googled <Cheney Ledeen> and Bolton popped up unexpectedly.
From Right Web - Exposing The architecture of power that's changing our world: A Profile of JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs)
"In recent years, JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) was one of the groups that most strongly supported the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. Former head of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, Richard Perle, is a member of JINSA’s Board of Advisers and serves as a spokesman in furthering JINSA’s goals. Other former advisory board members include
Dick Cheney, John Bolton, and Douglas Feith. Former administration officials from the Reagan era are James Woolsey, Jeane Kirkpatrick, and
Michael Ledeen. Many individuals with defense backgrounds and affiliations serve on the board of advisers and are involved in numerous contracts with Israel. Leon Edney, David Jeremiah, and Charles May, former armed forces officers, have all been consultants to Northrop Grumman, which has built Israeli ships and planes. May, Paul Cerjan and Carlisle Trost have also worked for Lockheed Martin, which has sold F-16s, flight simulators, and rocket systems to Israel. Trost is a member of the board of General Dynamics, whose subsidiary Gulfstream has a $206 million contract with the Pentagon. (4)"
http://rightweb.irc-online.org/org/jinsa.phpLedeen is a neocon who may have been involved with the forged Italian documents.
See the paragraph in an article - "Shouldn't Dick Cheney Be Impeached?"
I know it's a Larouche site! But the content talks about how Cheney and Ledeen are connected. I'm not a Larouche follower. Here's the snippet so no one has to go click the link.
"After he left the position of Secretary of Defense in the Bush "41" Administration, Cheney again hooked up with the Libby/Wolfowitz circle, joining the International Advisory Board of JINSA. JINSA was founded by three of Israeli intelligence's leading agents in America: Dr. Stephen Bryen, who was investigated for passing classified information to the Israelis from the Senate in 1978; Richard Perle; and Michael Ledeen. All three JINSA big-wigs were named as members of the circle known as the "X Committee" behind the espionage of the convicted spy for Israel, Jonathan Jay Pollard."