-Repeatedly, to sickening proportions, roll out 9/11 as justification for anything they want to do (seemingly excepting social security profiteering). -Send the Cessna (four times now?) to "violate" government airspace, pushing the airplanes into buildings button. Were there any arrests for this, ever, or just mysterious light airplanes mysteriously violating government airspace whenever the poll numbers dropped too low? -Anthrax letters to the media. Didn't they mention tracking the source of the Anthrax to somewhere inside the States? Mysterious, and the media have been lax to publish anything contrary to BushCo ever since. -Endless flip-flopping on reasons for invading Iraq, backpedalling on their own "moral decrees" whenever they're inconvenient to BushCo, etc. -Justifying torture of potentially innocent Iraqis, which no administration has ever required to solve a problem. -Ignoring the number of dead Iraqis they've caused ad nauseum, hardly humanitarian or the sign of people who are actually interested in "bringing democracy"..
I wouldn't buy a used toaster from these people, much less believe a word they say about anything. I've never seen more reasons to NOT trust any single group of people, than I've ever seen in my life.
Please feel free to add your lists of the endless reasons to not trust these people. When the government is utterly unable to merit trust, there's a problem.