Bob Novak, heart of darkness for the right wing is gone. To paraphrase Randy Newman: he's dead, he just doesn't know it.
Then again, maybe he does.
To his credit, he wasn't a neo-con bent on invading a sovereign nation that hadn't threatened us. He also wasn't swept along with the neo-con's need to support Israel at all costs. (Hell, he foreswore the Judaism he was born to and publicly became a Catholic.) He was against the Iraq greedfest, but he certainly toed the line when it was important.
His only loyalty is to himself. Now, he's sold out his masters by saving his own ass after currying favor. He will be reviled by all: the right will hate him and the decent part of humanity already does.
Virtually everybody hates a rat. A stool pigeon is the ugliest creature in the world of crime, and he sang mightily.
Oh, we'll see him again, but he's lost all power in the media, and his appearances will be few and troubled. His shows are all canceled, and his world is now much smaller.
Selfishness is the core of conservatism, and he typifies it. In his few moments of honesty, he differed with the neo-cons about invading Iraq and he worried about deficits.
May he live long and suffer.
The recent footage on CNN's Headline News is a clip of him windblown and sickly on a runway. He is in hell now, and he deserves every lick of the flames.
Preserving privilege is important to him, but for all his acumen, he's a lightweight, and the piper wants to be paid.