Who knows, by the time the GOP nominates Kitty Frist a significant number of conservative Christian fundies will have already left the party. That is, if the likes of The Conservative Caucus get their way ...
Statement by Howard Phillips, Chairman
My friends, this is a crucial moment in the history of the American Republic. The character and the undaunted courage of one faithful man seated on the U.S. Supreme Court could bring about a turning point in our jurisprudence and in our culture, back to Biblical morality and forward to a restoration of the constitutional design and the system of liberty set forth by America's founding fathers.
I speak of that great patriot, that exemplary jurist, God's man for these times, the Honorable Roy Moore.
Roy Moore sacrificed his position as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court rather than submit to an unconstitutional demand by federal judges to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the Alabama Judicial Building.
Judge Moore is a graduate of West Point, a decorated Vietnam vet, a comprehensively knowledgeable student of the Constitution and a dedicated family man.
Judge Moore has been vilified in the media, betrayed by the Republican hierarchy (including tax-hiking GOP Governor Bob Riley and Karl Rove judicial candidate, Bill Pryce, the Alabama Atty General) ...