Here's the inevitable part: Will some crackpot, home-grown or foreign, do some heinous thing that kills and injures a number of people at some time in the future? Can we be reasonably certain? Yes. Well, that's unsettling. Makes us a little anxious.
But, the implication that it will be soon, nay imminent, is rot. When will it happen? That nobody can say. And it is that uncertainty that they use to instill fear. And fear is the mechanism of control. It is in the best interests of those who follow the "strict father" philosophy of society that the populace be frightened from time to time so that they can keep them in line; a political purpose to be sure.
Your not "twisting things unfairly," but you need to be cognizant that Fox is. "the polls demonstrating that a majority of people believe" is the type of illusion that they base most of their "reporting" on. It's straight out of Orwell. Have you ever heard of them citing a reliable, disinterested source, except, in rare instances, to deride some "liberal."
Recognize that you can tell the difference, and try to point it out to others, but don't be surprised if they would rather believe Fox. They have been indoctrinated in that "strict father" mentality for so long they can see things no other way.