Gee, Missouri has elected two Dems for govenor, and a dead Dem for Senate in the past ten years. Along with Dems in the Lt. Gov, Att. Gen. and Treasurer. Also we have had Dem majorities in Congress up until the '04 elections. Oh, and we also helped vote in Clinton twice. Doesn't sound red neck to me friend, so stop with the gratuitous insults.
The only urban area that goes for 'Pugs on a consistent basis is our third largest city, Springfield, but their votes are outweighed by the urban areas of St. Louis, KC and Columbia. And that leaves the rest of the rural parts of Missouri. While larger in size, the rural areas contain much less population, and if you get north of the Ozarks, you find many of the small towns actually going Democratic on a consistent basis, little towns like Hermann and Centralia.
Sure, sometimes it is a trade-off in this state, Dem govenor for a 'Pug Senator, but all in all, like most other states, we are pretty evenly divided, and whoever marshalls their troops to get out the votes will win in the end. That is what happened in '04, due in part to the gay marriage amendment. That isn't going to happen in '06. There is a strong and consistent backlash building in this state. Matt, the Boy Blunder, Blunt has pissed off enough people on all sides that he is going to be gone in '08. Claire is considered a strong up and comer who can contend with anybody, while Robin Carnahan carries a strong name that can carry her far.
So put aside you generalities of this state, and get ready to see a blue Missouri once more. And if Claire climbs into the ring with Talent, you could very well see that start next year.