This is what is NOT being reported in the press in the US and it is about as mainstream as you can get in the UK:
Posted originally at D.A.W.N. (DC Anti War Network) internet site
interesting read
--- moderator@... wrote:
The Guardian (UK)
July 15, 2005
Our troops are part of the problem
Heavy-handed occupation is not a solution to the
Iraqi insurgency
By Robin Cook,3604,1528954,00.html In the single week since the London
bombings there have been 11 suicide
attacks in Iraq. One car bomb this week wiped
out 30 children, one as young as six, who had
gathered to plead for western chocolates from
American soldiers.
I do not draw a parallel between London and Baghdad
to diminish the pain and horror caused by the crime on
our own shores, but because that appalling experience
should give us some insight into the violence that is
now a daily occurrence in Iraq. And as the occupying
force we bear responsibility for its security. There may
be room for debate over whether there is a connection
between the war in Iraq and the London bombings, but
there is no escaping the hard truth that the chaos in
that country is a direct result of the decision to invade
it, taken in defiance of the intelligence warning that it
would heighten the terrorist threat.
And still those who took us into the war are not
frank with us. For months those of us who have asked
for a timetable for withdrawal from the occupation of
Iraq have been told that it would encourage the
insurgents to circle that date in the calendar. Yet at
the weekend we learned from another leaked minute
that the Ministry of Defence has ticked the middle of
next year as the target by when it will have reduced
the British presence to about a third of its present
This has nothing to do with progress against the
insurgents, who are growing bolder rather than
weaker. It is entirely to do with American
domestic politics. As George Bush sinks in
popularity back home, his desperation rises to
cut his losses in Iraq. The leaked memo confirms
that the Bush administration is planning to cut its
occupying forces to a third by the first half of 2006,
which would make it politically impossible at
home for Britain not to do the same.
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