So simple that even Bob Schieffer briefly figured it out yesterday on his weekly waste of airtime. I wonder why the media, which suddenly discovered all those "values voters" that allegedly decided the 2004 election, haven't gone back to their new-found favorites to ask them why they think that the good, moral, and above all Christian George W. Bush hasn't insisted on finding out the truth from his own staff?
It was certainly a much more interesting subject than, say, the voting irregularities in Ohio, for the media to focus on after the 2004 election: The supposed perfect marriage of good old-fashioned American values and their best and highest expression in the re-election of George W. Bush, the born-again president. And yet, when there appears to be some highly illegal, partisan and dangerous to national security activity under his very nose, George doesn't seem to curious to get to the truth, and the media are content to let him off the hook.
A very odd circumstance for the so-called liberal media.