Yesterday, when Mehlman was making a fool of himself, he said made the statements as found in my email to NAACP. Thought you might like to know what their response to me is.
"Thank you for contacting the NAACP Washington Bureau regarding Mr.
Mehlman's misstatement about the late James Byrd. We very much appreciate
that you are on top of reality and that you have made the contacts that you
did to correct this gross error.
We will certainly make every attempt to ensure that Mr. Mehlman recognizes
and corrects his error.
Thank you again for contacting the NAACP and pointing this out to us."
My email to them:
Sent: 7/17/2005 8:04 PM
Subject: Quote from a CNN transcript for 7/17/05
I have sent the below communication to three different entities on
CNN...Late Edition, Wolf Blitzer, and to Errors on CNN. I hope that you
will want to correct Mr. Mehlman's grave mistake. He doesn't know what
he's talking about since Karl Rove has gotten him and the administration
into hot water. Perhaps he never did but he certainly is making the
rounds on all the Sunday shows as well as the ones during the week
spouting off his "talking points" that he made up for dispersal by all
his cronies.
K.Mehlman's quote when being interviewed by John King:
Re: Transcript online from CNN's Late Edition with John King sitting in
for Wolf Blitzer:<> "I certainly will, going forward, if either party engages in things
which are racially polarizing unnecessarily -- for instance, a good
example, in 1998, the Democrat Party put up ads in Missouri that said --
I mean, this is appalling -- that said, "Every time you don't vote, a
church burns. Vote Democratic." That's an appalling example.
The NAACP unfortunately in the 2000 campaign likened the president to
James Byrd, who was a racist killer in east Texas, who the president
brought to justice."
I believe that James Byrd was the victim of a vicious murder wherein he
was dragged behind a vehicle with his throat slit. Mr. Mehlman needs to
get his facts straight. Mr. King was remiss in not picking up on this
outright lie of Mr. Mehlman's.