Dean is my first choice, but if it comes down to Kerry and Edwards, I'm working my ass off for Edwards.
Sorry folks but Kerry plans on winning without the South! When there are so many pissed off republicans here that are WILLING to vote for Edwards and Dean.
Kerry won't pick up any more states than Gore. It just will not happen we need someone that can get both Dems and Republicans. Kerry is like poison to people here. Honestly, I really don't know why they hate him so much but trust me they do.
I admit to having some sour grapes when it comes to Kerry, I do apreciate him outing Iran Contra and any environmental work he has done. It ends there though. I don't trust ANYONE in Skull and Bones, Clinton included. I am totally pissed at Kerry for not sticking up for us once, when it comes to the war and when it come to the Patriot Act. I get mad when he swipes Dean's ideas (and yeah I just saw him on headline news not 10 minutes ago, and all I could think was sounded better the first time I heard it, months ago when Dean said it). But I am also mad at Lieberman too, Medikids!?! Succes by 6 rip off.
I trust Edwards way more than I can ever trust Kerry. Edwards can win Kerry can't. For all of those who think that a military back ground is a must, Why on earth would we want to play in the GOP's back yard!?! This election should be about healthcare, jobs, education, the economy, breaking up the media whores, fair voting. To make it about terrorism is a sure fired way to loose. And if you go look at Deans record not one thing he did in Vermont benefited only the rich or the corperations. If Dean played with the devil it was to make sure his people had jobs to go to.
So in short Edwards may not have been my first choice, heck if Clark can get a strong showing in NH then I'll rethink him in a heart beat, but Kerry will not fly here, he knows it so he won't even try.