Dear Karl: Stand Strong--Let Them Punch Away!
By: smagar · Section: Diaries case Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman or an ally of theirs reads Redstate, here's hoping they hear this rallying cry from a Redstate regular.
Hang in there, Karl
For nearly two weeks now, we've seen the MSM and Dems try valiantly to mortally wound the political operative most closely identified with masterminding the first GOP Presidential reelection since 1984, a GOP recapture of the Senate and overall GOP success in the past three national elections, going back to the 2000 Presidential campaign. They've thrown the kitchen sink at the President's top political advisor.
Karl, looks as if you're still standing to me.
In the past week, we've learned quite a bit of exculpatory evidence about your conversation with Matt Cooper (e.g., Cooper called you
; Andrea Mitchell said it was known to many in DC social circles that Joe Wilson's wife was CIA), as well as Plame's "covert" status (e.g., Plame actually worked at Langley, or at least visited there frequently--actions which would blow any covert status if an enemy counterintelligence unit were actually paying any attention to her). Exculpatory evidence, as Leon H notes, that the MSM knew but chose to sit on, apparently hoping that Karl Rove might fry if the fire got hot enough.