something to the effect that you can't blame the * administration for the CIA intelligence failure on WMD - and this got me riled up.
We need to continue to put the message out there that it wasn't a CIA intelligence failure - it was a contrived story by the * administration to justify going to Iraq.
We need to continue to hammer the DSM and all the shenanigans of *Co, Cheney, PNAC, etc to justify this war.
The American people are beginning to put two and two together and they are starting to realize we were "lied" into this war and that 1763 GI's and counting have been killed and countless innocent Iraqi's have been killed because of their lies. (We're seeing this in the negative poll numbers).
The Repugs need to know that the American people are getting it. This is more than a beltway issue. We are dealing with 'war criminals' and 'traitors'.
We need to get the Repug House and Senate members to realize that Rove and Co is taking the whole party down and they need to step up to the plate and begin investigations - letting the chips fall where they may.
They need to rise above 'partisanship' or else they will go down in flames (not that I really care about them going down in flames).
I just feel that in order to really deal with * and Rove and the neocons - the Repug party needs to get vocal. My concern is that if they don't we will have to live through 3 more years of this crap and it won't be good for any of us.
Seems to me that the Repugs are cooked either way you look at it - but they may be able to save some face if they acknowledge that *, Rove, Cheney, Rice, etc are dangerous to this country's future.
We really need some patriots now!!!!!!!
As an aside - if the Repugs and the RNC (K.Mehlman) continue to spew their talking points - can we pull them into an 'obstruction of justice' case?