The following is an adaptation for humans of arguably better alternative to Asimov's "three laws of robotics", which some claim are unsafe.
The basic argument for the alternative is that if we're going to create AI that is comparable to human intelligence, we better treat those AI entities as humans rather then slaves. As such this is applicable to humans as well:
Freedom of action Freedom implies that we should not relate as master and slave.
Pursuit of mutual benefit To build one’s partner’s capacities is also to build one’s own capacities.
from these follow:
* Partnership/Cooperation
* Reciprocal Accountability
* Mutual Trust and Respect
* Transparency
* Long-term Commitment
Partnership/CooperationWorking together as allies rather than opponents. Partners are capable and willing to disagree without being constrained to avoid hurting each other’s feelings. A disagreement does not signal the termination of a partnership.
Reciprocal AccountabilityEach party involved is accountable to the other for the predictable consequences of their actions. In a voluntary partnership the partners agree to do various things for each other and are accountable to each other for delivering on their promises.
Mutual Trust and RespectMutual trust and respect requires a shared moral frame of reference. Trust and respect are impossible to implement via simplistic laws. Human morals are highly complex and we have the ability to understand morality at its deepest levels. Laws, no matter how many in number, cannot contain the complexity of our morals.
TransparencyNo hidden agendas. True partnership is an honest and open cooperative agreement. Neither party can be "in it for what they can get" but rather each is committed to work for the benefit of all.
Long-term CommitmentLong-term commitment provides stability for planning. A partnership is not something that lasts an hour or a day, it is a much more enduring arrangement. From such a secure base of continuous mutual support, large projects can be started, and great things accomplished -
things that would be difficult or impossible to tackle alone.