KOS has something funny on Rove, his new resume: For the whole enchilada click here>
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/7/18/14583/2876Karl Rove
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
To contribute communication skills in a permanent position as a hatchetman in a rapidly growing political machine.
Deputy White House Chief of Staff, 2004-present
* Crafted political strategy and security policy for major industrialized nation
* Smeared opposition leaders, members of media through misinformation campaigns
* Kept outing of CIA spy scandal out of the media until after reelection campaign
Senior Advisor to the President, 2001-2004
* Deceived large diverse nation into war on false pretenses
* Managed personal conflicts of interest, including holding shares in Enron, Boeing, General Electric, and Pfizer while crafting policies and meeting with industry lobbyists
* Used 9/11 to cement Republican gains in the House and take over the Senate in 2002
* Raised money and managed political career of right-wing judge Priscilla Owens, coordinating donations from businesses with cases pending before the court, and then orchestrating her elevation to a Federal Circuit Court
Bush-Quayle Texas Campaign, 1992
* Sabotaged Bush loyalist and state campaign manager Robert Mosbacher in internal feud over direct mail contracts
* Fired for leaking information to journalist Bob Novak