of the survey’s more interesting findings is that, despite the fact the main character resides in Gryffindor, the house that respondents were reminded values loyalty and courage, most adults saw themselves in Ravenclaw (41%), where intelligence and wit are the attributes most valued. Gryffindor was second, at 30%, followed by Huffelpuff, where loyalty, patience and hard work are valued, at 23%. Slytherin, where cunning and ambition are considered the ultimate virtues, was the house where just 2% of respondents saw themselves.
However, the same respondents who could not see themselves in Slytherin could picture two prominent citizens there:
52% placed George W. Bush in Draco Malfoy’s digs, while 50% of respondents placed New York’s junior senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, there with him. The responses unsurprisingly were driven by respondents’ partisan affiliation. Meanwhile,
First Lady Laura Bush, according to a 45% plurality of survey participants, would be a good fit for Huffelpuff.
Pint-sized witch Hermione Granger would easily be elected President over both Harry Potter and pal Ron Weasley. The poll finds that 57% of the books’ fans would elect her president, while just one-in-four (25%) would choose the books’ hero. His somewhat awkward and clumsy friend, Ron, fared worst, however: just 5% would vote for the young redheaded wizard.