Edited on Wed Jul-20-05 06:50 AM by ddeclue
Fellow Democrats:
I am a very serious Democrat who not only voted for Kerry here in Orlando but put well over 1,000 hours volunteer time and who donated over $1,000.00 to that campaign and was actually an official staff member here in Orlando. I am still active after the election with the party doing volunteer work today and continue to actively donate money as well. I tell you this because I'm sure that I'm about to be accused of heresy and being a "freeper" for what I'm about to say...
I think it is important that we start off this topic by recognizing that Bush could have made a lot of worse choices for this position than he has made in Judge Roberts. As we all know in our hearts, George Bush has made a great many bad decisions in office - so for many of us, it is our first instinct to assume that he is stupid and/or bad and that every decision he makes is automatically going to be a bad one. Bush knows this and I think in this case he is probably trying to use our natural instincts as Democrats against us by making a not-so-bad decision and hoping that we will still react like he made a bad one.
Judge Roberts is no doubt more conservative than we want him to be but it is also important to realize that he is probably not nearly as conservative as the religious right-wing wants him to be either. Remember these people were going to be unhappy if Attorney General Gonzalez got the nomination because they viewed HIM of all people as not conservative enough.
Before we get all spun up to go after Judge Roberts, let's look at the bigger picture.
This nomination seems extremely well timed to change the national subject of conversation from Karl Rove, Lewis "Scooter" Libby and the growing scandal at the White House over the leak of Valerie Plame's identity as a covert CIA officer to the media and public as a means of punishing Ambassador Wilson over his op-ed in the NY Times. It may well be that the Bush administration is hoping that the Democrats will indeed forget about Rove and go off on an ill founded witch hunt instead on a candidate that is viewed by the public as relatively moderate and a compromise choice.
Indeed the FoxNews people, only minutes after the nomination were already playing it up that the Democrats will be zealous and unreasonable and were painting us with this brush. We need to do what we can to take this brush away from the right-wing by dialing down the rhetoric. If in fact this is an attempt to distract us from Rove, then if we make it a non-news story and dial it down, then this attempt will have failed and the focus will go back to Rove in one or two news cycles.
If it turns out that Bush did make a compromise and picked a moderate to conservative candidate in Judge Roberts rather than a far right candidate, then I say that we should very publically declare victory NOW for containing Bush and the religious right wing in advance on this major issue by putting them on notice and by gearing up to let them know that we would have fought a far right candidate.
In some ways this is like the Social Security situation. They talked big about privatizing Social Security but soon realized that public sentiment was against them and that we were ready to take them on and win. They then backed down and we can reasonably claim victory on this issue. Likewise, they talked big about another far right conservative like Thomas or Scalia but they realized that the public was against this and we were ready to fight them on it so they backed down and nominated a compromise moderate to conservative candidate instead.
We should be magnaminous and grant Bush some credit for compromising and then claim our victory - let's not look like sore winners on this one.
If it turns out that Bush did make a compromise and picked a moderate to conservative candidate rather than a far right candidate, it will not be us but rather Bush's base, i.e. the religious far right that will be, by far, the most unhappy and demoralized because THIS is SPECIFICALLY why they fought so hard for Bush. Bush will in effect have sold them out and this will cost the Republicans in 2006 and 2008 at the polls when the religious right will be far more tempted to stay home and sit it out.
We don't want to play into Bush's hands by looking overly zealous and out of the mainstream while Bush gets to look like he was the nice guy who compromised and we didn't appreciate it.
Instead we need to be respectful of Judge Roberts and give him the benefit of the doubt to a reasonable extent at least. We should do our homework and thoroughly research Judge Roberts, his previous confirmation hearing, and his previous rulings and private practice casework in case something really outrageous pops up but we shouldn't go crazy trying to derail his nomination.
During the hearings, the Democrats in the Senate should ask the tough questions but they need to do it with the maximum of respect, courtesy, and professionalism. They need to do it without appearing to be playing to their base but rather as statesmen first, Democrats second.
In fact if I were a Senator I would concentrate in the hearings on the Patriot Act rather than the abortion issue which is what the Republicans are counting on us getting spun up about. Let's not play to the Republican stereotypical wedge issues but rather lets use the Patriot Act as a wedge issue of our own against them. There are many traditional conservatives to whom the Patriot Act is an anathema including Bob Barr, Newt Gingrich, James Sensenbrenner, Arlen Specter and many others.
I know that there are plenty of Democrats who are really strong single-issue pro-choice people who will think me a heretic for what I have just said but I believe that we need to be careful about this confirmation hearing or it will blow back in our faces. Remember that we have an election coming up in 2006 and this issue could be used to bash us if we play it too hard.
Remember too that there are several other Supreme Court Justices that may want to retire or may die of old age before January 20th, 2009 when George Bush leaves the White House. If we screw up and lose the mid term elections because we are too hard on Judge Roberts now, then we could be setting ourselves up for a whole court full of Thomases and Scalias later on in 2007 and 2008.
Thus ends my rant....
Democratically Yours,
Doug De Clue Orlando FL