We are oompah-loompah-doompahity screwed.
http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/politics/12173454.htmRoberts is well liked, but his judicial record isn't clear
By Stephen Henderson
Knight Ridder Newspapers
WASHINGTON - If you're looking for clear ideological markers in the work of John G. Roberts Jr., the kinds of screeds or invectives that might define a judge more as a political actor than a measured jurist, you'll look a long time in vain.
That's because Roberts, President Bush's nominee to become the 109th justice of the Supreme Court, has made an art of avoiding controversy in a town that thrives on it.
What does Roberts think about affirmative action or gay rights? About separation of church and state or the death penalty? Legal insiders in Washington, where Roberts has spent nearly 30 years as a lawyer, government official and judge on a prestigious appeals court, respond unanimously: Who knows?
(H. Christopher) Bartolomucci (a partner at Hogan & Hartson, LLP, the Washington law firm where Roberts worked) said a Justice Roberts probably would combine attributes of several current justices.
"I think he'll be a little bit like Rehnquist, a very careful comber of precedent and text, and I think John may have some of O'Connor's ability to look at facts and realities, and be sensitive to the nuances in a case," Bartolomucci said.
"He will definitely bring the pure intellectual power of a Scalia to the court, and that's a good thing."