karl rove
2005Why We Love Anonymous Sources
READ MORE: joseph wilson , karl rove , press , valerie plame
Yes, Fourth Estate, public interest blah blah, Mark Felt, yeah, yeah, sanctity of pledge to whistleblowers, good, fine. But the real reason to hail this noble journalistic tradition is that in the hands of gimlet-eyed purveyors of righteous scorn like Jason Vest, it can yields quotes like this, about Joe Wilson:
"In principle, what was done to Valerie Plame was shitty, and someone should pay, but the way Wilson always goes on about how it's the end of the world for her and national security while saying she's a real-life Jennifer Garner Alias character is just too damn much," says one. Similarly, prominent liberals have choked on Wilson's self-indulgence: At the Nation Institute's annual fundraising dinner last year, some found any inspirational qualities Wilson had to offer swamped by the tsunami-like wave of his continuous ego trip. "It wasn't just that he was sheets to the wind when he gave his speech, it was the sheer self-righteousness of it—it was like listening to a preppy version of Fidel Castro," recalls a noted liberal activist who was in the audience that night. "His speech was something like 'The Top 10 Reasons to Get Rid of Bush,' and after 45 minutes that included lowest-common-denominator stuff like 'kids going to school hungry'—hello, Joe Wilson's now got the weight of Head Start on his shoulders?—he was only up to number five. I mean, look, I sympathize, but it was like he was looking for a cross."
Nice work, Jason. Drinks on us, in the usual Rosslyn parking garage.
No Heroes in l'Affaire Plame
Must... Not... Let... Bush... Change... Subject...
READ MORE: Democrats , karl rove , supreme court
Fortunately for Karl Rove, suddenly everyone in Washington is talking Supreme Court, not double-super-secret-Supreme background. But (and this is probably also fortunate for Karl Rove) Democrats in Congress are working hard to remind everyone that there's still a scandal going on:
WASHINGTON, D.C.) -- The U.S. Senate Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) and the U.S. House Government Reform Committee Minority will conduct a joint hearing at 10:00 AM, Friday, July 22, in Room 138 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, to examine the national security implications of disclosing the identity of a covert intelligence officer. The hearing will be co-chaired by Senate DPC Chairman Byron Dorgan (D-ND), and U.S. Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Government Reform Committee.