(the article in question, by the way, is also being used as the primary source by rightwing radio to prove an al-Qaida/Saddam connection.)
Presidential candidate Gen. Wesley Clark on Sunday accused Vice President Dick Cheney of "playing politics with national security" based on his recent comments during an interview with the Rocky Mountain News.
Clark has called for a White House investigation into statements Cheney made to the News, in which the vice president called a Weekly Standard magazine article the "best source of information" on an alleged link between the former Iraqi regime and the terrorist group al-Qaida.
The Weekly Standard article was based on leaked intelligence reports that had been forwarded to Congress. In response to the story, the Department of Defense said certain still-classified raw intelligence reports had been sent to the Senate Intelligence Committee but that it was "inaccurate" to report that officials had confirmed new information about ties between Iraq and al-Qaida.
The Department of Defense press release concluded: "Individuals who leak or purport to leak classified information are doing serious harm to national security; such activity is deplorable and may be illegal."
"Now, the standard rule on anything like this is never to confirm it because if you confirm something like this, you're giving away maybe sources and methods," Clark said. "The vice president said that that was the best explanation of the connection between al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein. So he's essentially using a leaked memo to confirm his predisposition to believe that Saddam had something to do with 9-11."
"That's playing politics with national security," Clark said. "It risks our intelligence community, our sources and methods; it's wrong. And as president I won't tolerate that."