For those of you thinking it's OK to confirm Roberts - why? Of course the main sticky point will be Roe V. Wade, but there's something else that disturbs me more than anything else, and it's why this man's confirmation must be fought.
Roberts is loyal to the Republicans in control. He will sit on the SC and do whatever they ask of him. He will be their tool and interpret the Constitution to their liking. Our basic civil rights are in danger of being whittled away, folks. If shrub can get a couple of lackeys in the SC, the judicial branch will be done. It's part of the plan.
Roberts will be difficult to defeat because he's so green; he doesn't have a heft of experience behind him. I'm hoping the strategy with the Democrats right now is to remain quiet because of this, then go after him in the hearings. His answers to their questions will be what does him in, if we have any chance at all.
I can't join the "let him be confirmed" camp. Roberts is not an acceptable choice and I will do what I can to fight it.