, surprise. Roberts's work for Ken Starr was not about being an advocate, it was about furthering the conservative political agenda:
Solicitor General Kenneth W. Starr is expected to name Washington attorney John G. Roberts Jr. to be the "political" deputy in the solicitor's office, the government's advocate before the Supreme Court.
Roberts, 34, a former clerk to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, met Starr when both worked as aides to Attorney General William French Smith in the early Reagan years.
from The September 29, 1989, Washington Post reported:
The job, counselor to the solicitor general as well as deputy solicitor general, was created in 1982 after strong conservative criticism that the traditionally independent office was not forceful enough in pushing the administration's social agenda at the high court. Of the five deputies in the office, the political deputy is the only non-career appointee.
This was a position created in order to further a partisan agenda, not to enhance the legal capabilities of the solicitor general. It was created to render a "traditionally independent" office less independent and more politically partisan. Is it that much of a stretch to argue that the second Bush is trying to hire Roberts in order to perform the same function on the Supreme Court?