This appeared in the Navy Times yesterday, where this type of statement will cause alot of comment and consternation among its readership, as you might imagine. Wes Clark is a member of this small advisory group to Congressional Democrats.
Gen. Shalikashvili is a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who once said, "Clark has an infinite capacity for hard work and stress." Shalikashvili called himself and "old soldier and a new Democrat" at the DNC Convention.
Now both old soldiers are trying to reach out to the military community to say what has to be said - something that very few Congressional Democrats (especially those with an eye towards 2008) are willing to say.
A Democratic national security advisory group says in a report
released Wednesday that the Bush administration has made
Americans less safe in some ways.
Former Clinton administration Defense Secretary William
Perry headed the advisory group, whose report says President
Bush is taking "insufficient actions" to counter the threat of
terrorists detonating a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city.
"The administration is fighting a global war on terror but not
yet a global war on weapons of mass destruction," the report
Group members, including retired Army Gens. John Shalikashvili
Wesley Clark, former Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright and former national security advisor Samuel Berger,
believe North Korea and Iran pose bigger threats today than
before the war on terrorism was launched. They also said programs
aimed at preventing so-called "loose nukes" have not been getting
enough attention.