Is the Al Qaeda mercenary leader Usama Bin Laden George Bush's Harry J. Anslinger?
Were going back to President Herbet Hoover on this. So suck it up and get every last particle of Info to compare. This is just the tip of the Iceburg and of course there is Bush yelling, King of the World Ma!
President Herbert Hoover appointed Harry J. Anslinger to head the newly created Bureau of Nacotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD)under the jurisdiction of the Treasury Department. Anslinger's first hurdle is bigger government creates more intrusions and less freedoms and liberties. Anslinger must justify the existance of the BNDD or the BNDD must cease to exist. It would crumble under the claim that the BNDD was a patron agency comprized of patron positions. So Anslinger had to create a claim to fame. He need to create legislation.
This began the Research and Developement phase of what would eventually evolve into "war on drugs". The creation of a lexicology. Anslinger assembled a skewed History of Drugs or A Pharmacopia. This is best juxtaposed to the Apotheosis to see the third side of every story that hovers above both sides. In his Congressional testimony which was nothing more than a lie of ommisson formed of partial truths. It is evident that he traced the etmology of "Hashish" to the Hashishimi of Hassan-i-Sabbah (Master Assassin of the Middle East.) See: Hashimites.
Actions speaking louder than words. I think it is also prudent to assume that he also traced the etymology of the word "Drug" to the Ancient Avestan word "Druj." It means "lie/evil incarnate." This is the Anslinger created ideology of the BNDD concerning Marijuana (Mary's dung). If you cannot say anything bad about it. Then say nothing at all. In the eternal battle of Light(Truth) and darkness (deception.) When ahriman (the detroyer), with malice of forethought, attempts to destroy a Truth. The Druj's are created. When ahriman encircles Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord) with his darkness. One ray of the Living Truth filtered through the the prism of darkness creates an endless multitude of druj's to attack the children of Ahura Mazda. Truth is eternal, ineffable and therefore Adamant. Truth is the first cause of all good things. It is that which is never lost and always found. Truth cannot be destroyed only disguised to appear as being changed. Thus begins the Morphology. As the light penatrates and travels through the darkness under constant negative charged attack. It creates a safe passage for the ensuing Angi and Magi. The Truth shall be restored.
Thus begins Anslingers Conundrum. How to sac marijuana for the Benefit of the industrual complex. Marijuana is a hearty perenial that produces a very unique and highly diverse OIL. An annually renewable and virtually inexhaustable supply. Enter the "Yankee Rose." Beware of the thorns of the stem. They are first lecherous and then treacherous. Anslinfer began a national misinformation propaganda campaign to reduce resistance to a bill being drafted. It would have been the envy of the Tokyo Rose had he of used it against a declared enemy instead of the American People. Americans were wearing clothes made of marijuana. Anslinger had to cultivate fear in the minds of Americans. He had to make "THEM" fear the shirt on their back before he heroically came to their rescue to take it from "THEM." By today's standard the BNDD would be declared a Terrorist Organizarion. Next Morphology of a Continuing Criminal Enterprize! Welcome to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). See: Munchausen Syndrome, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.
Anslingers Misinformation Propaganda Campaign was comprized of films like "Refer Madness." This was shown in Movie House all across America under the guises of being "News" or a Public Service Annoucement (PSA). The Licata Murders in Florida. The uncontrolable Fraternization with Negro's, Hispanics, and creative types. There were also Congressional Testimonies (1937) that culiminated in Sub Committee hearing(1937). This provided for a Marijuana Confrence (1938). The Marijuana Tax Stamp Act of 1937 was the Patriot Act of it's day. It was designed to Protect Americans from snake oil salesmen (apothicarians), the daemon of Anslingers own creation Marijuana (the base of 95% of the medicine being distributed in America), and the enemy within. See: Morpheus of Olympia vs Sobrius of Hades (Greek Mythos), HR; 6385 part I and part II, HR; 6906, and NORML vs. Partnership for a Drug Free America (Brainwaves PSA)
This is the begining of the pathos that leads to the fork in the road. Which is but one path divided into to two ways.
Let us look at the current munchausen by proxy. The lack of action on 9/11 creating the over reaction to Iraq. Are Usama bin Laden and Al Qaeda fingering their contractor in their attacks? The White House vere off. The bombings of Jack the Rippers ( Prince Edward(?), I believe. )old haunt? Was the Iraq test mission in Panama? "Cocaine now threatening the White House" a proven Bush hoax. Does history in deed repeat it's self?