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Tancredo's "Nuclear Option"

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mojogeorgo Donating Member (321 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 08:32 PM
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Tancredo's "Nuclear Option"
Tancredo and his "Nuclear Option"

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where some idiot actually said, "Well, all y'all look the same to me." This is essentially the thinking behind Tancredo's words. Why sweat differentiating between the culprits and innocent bystanders when all of those people are as good as guilty? Collateral damage of millions of murdered Muslims being nothing more than grist for the mill? It's that kind of stinkin' thinkin' that gets you to Auschwitz.

Oh yeah, holocaust and/or Nazi references are out-of-bounds in political discourse, they're unfair comparisons in polite discussion, right?

Well get over it. Tancredo blew polite out the window when he exercised his nuclear option.

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Wetzelbill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 08:38 PM
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1. I read the transcript of his statements
He screwed up big time. I think he was being more dumb than anything, but saying stupid things is very dangerous. Now, Tom Tancredo may think he's a tough talkin' badass on Terror Republican, but, his words just might fuel some fundie over in the ME to lop off the head of an American. Guys like that just don't get it, and I doubt they ever will. Right now his words are helping to indoctrine even more recruits. Way to go Tom!
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Maccagirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 08:43 PM
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2. They played the audio of his statements
Edited on Thu Jul-21-05 08:44 PM by Maccagirl
on the Ed Schultz show today. Who would vote this cretin into office? Oh, never mind...:cry:
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