with very BAD Decisions and we suffer the consequences.
"Global Warming? What Warming?" If we sign the Kyoto Accord it will devastate America"
This man will allow the World to fall apart to SAVE AMERICA? WTF? The Ice Sheets have thinned by 50%, Glaciers are retreating, sea levels are rising, Tempratures are the hottest in the last 10,000 years, and still the President/Rush/others ignor/downplay/reject Global Warming as real.
They know it is but want to protect Corp America from doing the right thing...bad on the profit lines...
"Torture??" "We will punish those responsible"
"WMD?" "Its under the table...over there?"
"OSAMA?"...."No place he can hide...and if we cannot find him... we will get Saddam"
Mission Accomplished.....we have prevailed...we have won.....Freedom will ring her bells in the M. E.
"Leak?...What CIA Leak?"
etc etc etc
The man is a bandido, etc.