Subject: Some Clues About Judge Roberts, High Court Nominee
Newspaper readers look vainly to homogenized J-school copy for enlightenment as to the character of the next election-referee and Supreme Court nominee, Judge Roberts. Fans of Google, thankfully, can find out a fair amount about his background by clicking through the links on the first page, and then plugging in a little background. To save fellow buzzers some time, here's some clues from my little search, done in under an hour. At the bottom of the page comes the most interesting nugget, from, of all places, Wikipedia.
Wikipedia notes that Judge Roberts is being pushed forward by a group of power brokers who call themselves The Four Horsemen:
* C. Boyden Gray, corporate lawyer for a firm big with commercial airlines and defense business.
* Edwin Meese III, who was attorney general after William French Smith (Judge Robert's former boss under Reagan). Meese narrowly survived two investigations into misconduct, and is famous for his report on pornography, which has been criticized for not proving any scientific link between pornography and violence.
* Jay Sekolow, a lawyer active with the group Jews for Jesus, and linked to politically active minister Pat Robertson.
* Leonard Leo, active in the Federalist Society, which purports to be non-partisan and believes in strict construction, and separation of church and state. Although the website for the society says its group is split on the issues of drug legalization (like marijuana) and, what else?, abortion!
Wikipedia has a little posting on some of these pages asking for some additional contributions to make it better. I've done my part to help, by telling buzzers.
A BuzzFlash Reader