needed to keep Kerry off the national stage.
This thread from a year ago has links and info that EVERY American needs to know. There is no more dangerous opponent for Bush than John Kerry. They know it. You need to learn it, too.
126. Parry on efforts to discredit and kill an investigation
into Iran-Contra and BCCI...and now, it seems to me, into funding for terrorists of the Muslim persuasion... for the record...
I would think that Robert Parry, one of the most important investigative reporters working on Iran-Contra, is a reputable source for the way the investigation played out.
a few quotes from Lost History- inquiries and Sen. Kerry's investigation caused other worries...
(while Ollie North and Poindexter and William Weld (put in charge of, as assistant ag, of criminal investigations)
worked to discredit witnesses who could blow the lid off the US govts funding of drug dealers, active, via CIA-operated air lifts of drugs into the US, and so on...) p112, 117,
Parry says that Blum (also quoted from the investigation as related to the current-- in the LBN thread on Spies/UK/current BCCI questions--)
Weld, while in the justice dept, blocked serious efforts to get information, even tho Kerry was able to get bipartisan support for an investigation-- via Lugar and Pell. p118
Kerry continued to try to prod the justice dept., using a statement from a "whistle-blowing" female FBI informant who was promptly discredited on...let's say..spurious grounds, even tho her statement did play out and she passed a polygraph... p119 & 124
the discrepancies in her testimony which led Weld to reject her were minor points, as in when she first talked to the FBI.
in addition, Eugene Hasenfus, onetime CIA cargo handler whose plane was shot down by the Sandinistas, said he had been working for the CIA, and the operation had close ties to then vp George Bush.
Elliot Abrams tried to smear Hasenfus' statement by claiming no one named Max Gomez, a person Hasenfus named, existed. p123
in fact, Abrams surely knew that "gomez" existed. that was the cover name for Felix Rodriquez, a Cuban-American CIA veteran placed in Central America by Bush's office.
Lugar, at the time, wrote about the Justice dept's unwillingness to provide information... 1986, Weld edited a letter to Kerry denying federal protection to Palacio, after she had passed a polygraph, and after her further statements as an eye-wtiness to CIA pilots loading cocaine onto CIA-owned transport planes in Columbia...
that person, named Sawyer, corroborated Palacio's statements unwittingly by his plane's logs... p124
Parry says that after this, the Reagan administration went into overdrive to kill the investigation, luring the press into a question of whether or not Reagan authorized Iran-contra.
(which seems to me, in retrospect, to be an anwerable question now, based upon Casey's request to exempt the CIA from answering questions about drug smuggling only three months after the contra operation started...but I digress...) p 202
...democrats, according to Parry (and he does not include Kerry since Kerry was the one leading an investigation into all this, remember...
chose not to pursue Reagan b/c he had only two years left in his term and with the mainstream press refusing to look at their own complicity in burying the whole story... including the NYTimes' Keith Schneider who wrote a dismissive story about Kerry's investigation...Schneider's info was false, according to Parry, and clearly contradicted the public record. p 133
also remember that Dick Cheney was the ranking house republican on the congressional Iran-Contra committee...a man who isn't exactly known for his willingness to support transparency in the executive branches' power grabs...
...when the congressional Iran-contra committee wrote its final report, the republicans fought to exclude information and had leverage b/c three republican moderate had to sign off on the findings...
Kerry and the entire investigation was smeared with the tag "nutty conspiracy theory."
p 138 and more...