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My challenge to those who don't understand BCCI and why BushInc.

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:05 AM
Original message
My challenge to those who don't understand BCCI and why BushInc.
Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 10:29 AM by blm
needed to keep Kerry off the national stage.

This thread from a year ago has links and info that EVERY American needs to know. There is no more dangerous opponent for Bush than John Kerry. They know it. You need to learn it, too.


126. Parry on efforts to discredit and kill an investigation
into Iran-Contra and BCCI...and now, it seems to me, into funding for terrorists of the Muslim persuasion... for the record...

I would think that Robert Parry, one of the most important investigative reporters working on Iran-Contra, is a reputable source for the way the investigation played out.

a few quotes from Lost History- inquiries and Sen. Kerry's investigation caused other worries...

(while Ollie North and Poindexter and William Weld (put in charge of, as assistant ag, of criminal investigations)

worked to discredit witnesses who could blow the lid off the US govts funding of drug dealers, active, via CIA-operated air lifts of drugs into the US, and so on...) p112, 117,

Parry says that Blum (also quoted from the investigation as related to the current-- in the LBN thread on Spies/UK/current BCCI questions--)

Weld, while in the justice dept, blocked serious efforts to get information, even tho Kerry was able to get bipartisan support for an investigation-- via Lugar and Pell. p118

Kerry continued to try to prod the justice dept., using a statement from a "whistle-blowing" female FBI informant who was promptly discredited on...let's say..spurious grounds, even tho her statement did play out and she passed a polygraph... p119 & 124

the discrepancies in her testimony which led Weld to reject her were minor points, as in when she first talked to the FBI.

in addition, Eugene Hasenfus, onetime CIA cargo handler whose plane was shot down by the Sandinistas, said he had been working for the CIA, and the operation had close ties to then vp George Bush.

Elliot Abrams tried to smear Hasenfus' statement by claiming no one named Max Gomez, a person Hasenfus named, existed. p123

in fact, Abrams surely knew that "gomez" existed. that was the cover name for Felix Rodriquez, a Cuban-American CIA veteran placed in Central America by Bush's office.

Lugar, at the time, wrote about the Justice dept's unwillingness to provide information... 1986, Weld edited a letter to Kerry denying federal protection to Palacio, after she had passed a polygraph, and after her further statements as an eye-wtiness to CIA pilots loading cocaine onto CIA-owned transport planes in Columbia...

that person, named Sawyer, corroborated Palacio's statements unwittingly by his plane's logs... p124

Parry says that after this, the Reagan administration went into overdrive to kill the investigation, luring the press into a question of whether or not Reagan authorized Iran-contra.

(which seems to me, in retrospect, to be an anwerable question now, based upon Casey's request to exempt the CIA from answering questions about drug smuggling only three months after the contra operation started...but I digress...) p 202

...democrats, according to Parry (and he does not include Kerry since Kerry was the one leading an investigation into all this, remember...

chose not to pursue Reagan b/c he had only two years left in his term and with the mainstream press refusing to look at their own complicity in burying the whole story... including the NYTimes' Keith Schneider who wrote a dismissive story about Kerry's investigation...Schneider's info was false, according to Parry, and clearly contradicted the public record. p 133

also remember that Dick Cheney was the ranking house republican on the congressional Iran-Contra committee...a man who isn't exactly known for his willingness to support transparency in the executive branches' power grabs...

...when the congressional Iran-contra committee wrote its final report, the republicans fought to exclude information and had leverage b/c three republican moderate had to sign off on the findings...

Kerry and the entire investigation was smeared with the tag "nutty conspiracy theory."

p 138 and more...
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HFishbine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:09 AM
Response to Original message
1. Yeah, yeah, yeah
and as soon as Kerry is king of the world, he'll reveal his secrets.
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:11 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. any day now...
Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 10:12 AM by WhoCountsTheVotes
All we have to do is make him president, and then he'll say something. If we don't vote for him, then he'll take all his investigations and go home! That'll teach us ungrateful voters!

When he's president, the excuse will be this: "Kerry can't go into this stuff right now, because he needs to concentrate on getting legislation through a divided Congress, not rehashing old crimes by the Bushes. Besides, he did get Bush out right? Problem solved. Nothing to see here!"

I'd bet $20.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:13 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Read the thread or post nasty retorts. That's your decision.
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:18 AM
Response to Reply #4
9. read it
been following it for 10 years. Nothing new.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:11 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. It's not a matter of secrets. It's a matter of connecting what has been
Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 10:12 AM by blm
exposed and explaining to the American people how it connects to 9-11 and their future.

Dismiss it if you want to gain some narrow political edge, but, dismissing it only helps BushInc.
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HFishbine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:14 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. Suppose you are correct
My only question is, why isn't Kerry talking about this now?
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:18 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. BCCI trial just started in England.
The next big one starts in June, Bank of America and its involvement in BCCI.

Kerry has to fight for the Dem nomination and THEN he can go with Bush one on one, with the whole country focused on the word of TWO men - Kerry and Bush.
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HootieMcBoob Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:16 PM
Response to Reply #8
32. But I still don't get why he hasn't brought it up
It's his issue. The trial is about to start. He should be all over this but not a peep. I like Kerry don't get me wrong, but I'm not convinced he has the fight in him.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 04:51 PM
Response to Reply #32
34. He does.
But, he's not dumb. The American people have to be listening CLOSELY when he makes the case.

I also think it is possible that he may use it to hold BushInc's feet to the fire should they try to run any really dirty tricks in the general. Y'know, like Clinton held off Bush1 in 92 with the info he had on Mena.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 02:56 PM
Response to Reply #5
20. Why isn't Kerry talking about this now? Because he has an election to win.

You underestimate Kerry's political instincts at your own risk.

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Democrats unite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:17 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. Seems like Kerry is dismissing it
Haven't heard him talk about it.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 11:29 AM
Response to Reply #6
11. He will.
He has a nomination to win.

The good guys in the intel community aren't lining up behind Kerry for no reason. This election will be a historic shift.
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TLM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 02:49 PM
Response to Reply #11
18. And if he does not win the nomination....

WIll he remain silent on this as he is doing now?
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RUMMYisFROSTED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:22 PM
Response to Reply #18
33. Win or lose.
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Wetzelbill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:18 AM
Response to Original message
7. excellent post, thanks
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JNelson6563 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:50 AM
Response to Original message
10. I should think such an expert on the BFEE
would've known well that the boy king would "fuck it up" on the IWR thingy.

That statement from Kerry pretty much obliterates this "BFEE expert" argument you have posted so tirelessly for so long.

Just my .0125

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 01:57 PM
Response to Reply #10
15. Why? You want everything he knows to go away
just because you support someone who knows NOTHING about BCCI and IranContra, and has actually stated he only has "mixed feelings" about the illegal wars in Central America?

You think that's a wise choice?
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 12:50 PM
Response to Original message
12. Kick
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AntiCoup2K4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 12:56 PM
Response to Original message
13. The question should be - Since Kerry supposedly knows so much about BCE...
...then how was Junior ever allowed to be the Republican nominee, let alone selected as pResident?

And the answer is that Kerry won't follow through on putting his fellow Bonesmen in prison where they belong. It's like the Thomas Kean investigation of 9-11, where things actually looked hopeful for about 2 days when Kean seemed to be saying that of course the Fraudministration knew enough about 9-11 to prevent it, then he retracted his entire story. Of course he did. His business partner is Osama's brother in law.

You can't expect the Bush Criminal Empire to investigate the Bush Criminal Empire. Kerry is a Skull and Bones member with PNAC campaign advisers. Therefore he's as tied to the BCE as Thomas Kean is.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 01:10 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. Post 9-11. The public can "get it" now where they were lost before
on the meaning of BCCI and all its covert characters.

Also, the BCCI trial in England JUST STARTED last week. The next trial which will get more notice is starting in June - BCCI/Bank of America connection.

If you read the thread and its links you KNOW Kerry was doing the heavy lifting AGAINST the establishment in both parties.

We know what we know today BECAUSE of Kerry.
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 02:44 PM
Response to Reply #14
17. blm, do you honestly think Kerry will bring this up?
Come on, he'd had years and said nothing. He didn't mention it when they stole the election. You don't honestly believe Kerry's going to bring it up now do you?

I'll tell you what - I'll apologize to Kerry in front of all of DU and send him a donation if he does. I'm not holding my breath.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 02:54 PM
Response to Reply #17
19. Yeah, well...he probably has to have a talk with Clinton first.
Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 02:55 PM by blm
Remember, it was Clinton and Gore who pulled back on further investigations into BCCI because they feared the collapse of the world economy as the story goes. Maybe it will be in Clinton's book.

We have our best shot of taking the BFEE down with Kerry. He has already stated that as soon as he takes office he will give other nations exactly 100 days to open their books and shut down their terror funding and money laundering operations or he starts NAMING NAMES and countries.
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 03:13 PM
Response to Reply #19
21. well my offer stands
If Kerry starts attacking the Bush clan on BCCI and Iran/Contra and the drug trade - I'll apologize, send Kerry some money, and vote for him.

Like I said, I don't believe it for one second. I'm more convinced than ever that Kerry is a big part of it himself.

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 04:41 PM
Response to Reply #21
22. Then give a rational explanation why he exposed them to so much scrutiny
Edited on Mon Jan-26-04 04:41 PM by blm
that Bush1 even reportedly feared getting impeached.
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 06:57 PM
Response to Reply #22
23. they were being exposed, Kerry did the coverup
You know exactly how it works. Kerry didn't find this stuff out by himself - it was already in the press. Kerry's "investigation" contained the damage. Kerry fingered some relatively low level people, and let the big fish off the hook. But you probably knew that! :)
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 07:25 PM
Response to Reply #23
24. That's not true. Prove your cliaim with a link
to a reputable source that backs it up.

Robert Parry was the top journalist on the story and he never saw ONE incident of Kerry covering up.
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 07:28 PM
Response to Reply #24
25. you want proof?
1. When was the last time Kerry has mentioned any of this?

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RainDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 09:28 PM
Response to Reply #25
28. I heard Kerry mention the BCCI investigation
on a speech on C-span last year, as one of his qualifications for the dem nomination.

It was a very inspiring speech. He gave me hope because he also talked about freedom from oil dependency...

in fact, he said many things I've also said about what my hope is for the direction of our nation.

fwiw- I'm not a Kerry supporter, but I do support the efforts to bring Bush down by any means legally possible.

I would back Kerry if he won the nomination, but I've leaned toward Dean for a while because he was the one saying the things which needed to be said about the way things work in Washington, the lies about the war, etc. etc.

But I'm also pragmatic, and I do think that Dean would have a hard time against Bush's perceived (tho not real) security strength.

I would support any of the following dems in the running for the nomination- Clark, Dean Edwards, Kerry.

As far as the IWR vote- that made me really, really mad, but I also think there are reasons for such a vote, even though I disagree with them.

Whoever gets the nomination, Kerry has done a service to this nation in the pursuit of BCCI as a jr. senator. If you read about the investigation, Kerry continuously asked for information and questioned why information was redacted.

I realize we all have candidates we want to win, but any of the front running dems would be a welcome change from Bush.

Yes, there are a hell of a lot of problems with democracy in this country due to powerful groups. But surely you can recognize that even Kerry could bring needed sanity back to Washington.

We also need to work on electing dems to Congress who can make sure that investigations occur, and who can appeal to the security of this nation to investigate funding of terrorism.

Follow the money to stop terrorism. Bush just hates that.

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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 04:53 PM
Response to Reply #28
35. Kerry's coverup
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 02:42 PM
Response to Original message
16. bump
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frank frankly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 07:42 PM
Response to Original message
26. kick
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XanaDUer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 07:56 PM
Response to Original message
27. Kick
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sleipnir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 09:42 PM
Response to Original message
29. Go after several fellow Bonesmen??? I wonder if Kerry will...
Sadly, I see him sweeping this under the rug to protect his fellow Bonesmen. Call me what you will, but the bonds of fraternity are often stronger than civic duty. I see this as a non-issue and so do his fellow Bonesmen, whom he might replace.

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frank frankly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:00 PM
Response to Reply #29
30. so, do you think he is a limited hang-out?
that is the only way to explain his Iran-Contra work...say that he "exposed" some to get away with most.

I don't think so, but at least be clear.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-26-04 10:04 PM
Response to Reply #29
31. That just PROVES you never read the material on BCCI or IranContra.
NOONE who read it can possibly claim that Kerry let Bush off the hook.
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