If there are any official Democratic Party "leaders" lurking around here this morning, could you take a minute from your sessions with consultants and read these raw words from outside-the-beltway?
What the hell are you thinking? Has Karl Rove intimidated you into believing opposition is akin to aiding the enemy? Have your corporate donors trained you to value little pats on the head over standing up for principles? Have you come to believe that the Democratic Party base is just a pesky little tribe that has to give you their vote no matter what? We`ve been posting about Operation Yellow Elephant around here, but honestly....I`ve been thinking about Operation Fading Donkey. You folks are a regular sideshow. If a handful of you find the courage to sneak into some basement and hold a truthfest, the majority of you counter it by holding hands with one of your friends across the aisle, like this display of solidarity will at least get you into the White House photo op. It`s the Joe Lieberman approach...Real patriots don`t make waves, they just swim with Republicans.
Recently a quick visual sweep of the headlines made me wonder if the Democratic Party could free up a few people to fight the Republicans in Washington so we don`t have to fight them here. It`s hard work and you`d become the subject of an urgent DLC memo, but if you would just speak out a little, you might get invited on Meet the Press. Then, when Tim says Valerie Plame was a desk jockey and Republicans keep us safer, you could take control of the conversation and blurt out the truth. You could explain that Americans may concentrate on yellow ribbon car magnets and wartime tax cuts but the rest of the world is concentrating on a humungous pile of corpses and war crimes. If you did the right thing, you`d be surprised at the reaction from the sidelines. The Democratic base wouldn`t have to dig through umpteen tons of verbal garbage to find something to rally around. We wouldn`t have to stretch our imaginations to activate a thumbs-up. In fact, many of us would give anything to see the end of hoop-jumping and see a new era of moral courage.